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Every second of every day in 2018 an adult age 65, and older suffers a fall in or near their home. That’s one out of every four older adults. In 2018, more than 3.4 million children experience an unintentional injury in the home. There were 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries and 24 school shootings where at least one person was injured or killed in 2018.


Sales are all activities associated to the selling of goods and services sold within a specific time period. Salespeople need to find people who need their product or service and then get their product to the customer. By fulfilling the customer’s order and being responsive to their client’s needs salespeople can increase their sales and while building customer loyalty and trust for a company and their product.


Science is the study of nature, the behavior of natural things, and what we learn about them. There are three basic scientific groups. Physics, chemistry, astronomy and geology are physical sciences.  Biology, zoology, botany, genetics, and molecular biology are biological sciences. Psychology is a psychological science. The goal of science delivers natural explanations for events in the nature. It seeks to understand nature’s patterns and to make useful predictions about natural events.


Securities are notes, stocks, treasury stocks, bonds, or certificates or any financial asset that has a monetary value that can be traded. The most common types of securities are equity, like common stocks and debt securities or fixed securities, such as bonds and banknotes. Securities are important to global financial markets.


Security is a guarantee that an obligation, such as a loan will be met. In financial circles, security is a certificate, bond, share, or a note with monetary value that can be traded. Security in the banking industry are assets that assure repayment of a loan.


Semiconductors Experts

Inside every computer, cell phone, iPod, and GPS are chips, which contain many semiconductors, solid substances that under certain conditions will conduct electricity. Semiconductors are often made of gallium arsenide, gallium nitride, lithium fluoride, or (most common because it’s cheapest) Silicon.


The term “sensors” essentially refers to a mechanical device sensitive to light, temperature, motion, moisture, pressure or radiation level. When the sensor detects any of these elements, it sends a signal to a measuring or control instrument.

Signal Processing

Signal processing is a form of electrical engineering. It focuses on the evaluating and adapting of signals to enhance or improve its performance. By using mathematical algorithms to evaluate, adapt, and producing signals, like audio and images used in today’s technology.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a problem-solving method of improving production processes, and eliminating the unpredictability, defects and waste that leads to losing customers. The Six Sigma principles of recognize, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, standardize and integrate are implemented incrementally.


The word social comes from the Latin “socius,” which means friend. Humans are social beings who seek and enjoy the companionship of others that comes from living in a community or being a member of an organized group.

Social Media

In 2018 there were an estimated 2.65 billion people were using social media globally. That number is expected to grow to 3.1 billion by 2021. Social media includes websites and applications with common features that allow people to share and receive information quickly and effectively using the internet and other media.


Software is the programs that make it possible for a computer to complete specific tasks. There are two categories of software.  Systems software consists of the computer’s operating system and utilities that allow the computer to function. Without this type of software, the instructions for everything would have to be typed in each time it was used. Application software lets the user do specific tasks, such as word processing and spreadsheets. These programs need to be loaded into a computer’s storage.

Software Development

Software development is the process of visualizing, detailing, designing, programming, documenting, testing, and fixing bugs. Software developers are the creative minds in charge of the entire development process from beginning to end.

Software Engineering

Software engineering is the engineering division that develops software products using scientific methods, standards and techniques to create effective and dependable products. By studying the user’s needs when designing, building, and testing new applications, software engineers can achieve their goals of satisfying the user’s needs and create software that is used in offices, schools, and homes every day for work, education, and fun.

Special Education

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2017-2018, 7.0 million or 14 percent of public school students, received Special Education services in the United States under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Special Education is the practice of educating students in a way that concentrates on their individual differences and needs. The purpose of the special education curriculum is to give equal access to education for students from birth through the age of 21.


The Oxford Dictionary defines spectroscopy at the branch of science concerned with the investigation and measurement of spectra produced when matter interacts with or emits electromagnetic radiation. Spectroscopy is used to determine the structure, temperature, density, and motion of a space object.


Each year there are an estimated 17,550 new spinal cord injury cases in the United States. The spine is the body’s central support system. Its column consists of thirty-three individual bones stacked on top of one that protect the spinal cord. The spine’s three main functions are to allow the individual to stand upright, to bend and twist, and protect the spinal cord from injury.


Oxford Dictionary describes sports as an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or a team competes against another or others for individual or spectator entertainment.  Sports can help improve or maintain physical ability and skills. Participation in sports can be casual or organized. Chess and poker are considered by some as a sport because of the competition among players even though competitors are using their brains instead of the bodies.

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is the medical practice that focuses on the treatment of injuries caused by athletic activities. Physicians who practice sports medicine work with orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists to develop plans to meet the specific needs of each athlete’s specific needs. Sports medicine helps athletes recover faster, enhance their fitness, and improve their general health.


A student needs to find how much the average American makes for a school project. Instead of asking every working American he asks 1,000 random people to get a sample statistic. Statistics is the mathematical branch that collects, studies, deciphers, and presents large amounts of numerical data to provide a limited sample to make intelligent and correct conclusions about a larger population.


In 2013, the world produced 1.6 billion tons of raw steel. Steel, which is a blend of iron and a small amount of carbon, is a strong, yet flexible product used for buildings, bridges, tools, automobiles, and other products.

Stem Cells

Stem cells are cells that act as a repair kit for the body’s damaged cells. Adult stem cells found in bone marrow and many of the body’s organs and tissues fight off certain cancers. They also are used to fight blood-related diseases, like leukemia and lymphoma. Stem cell therapy that uses adult stem cells is considered safe since they use stem cells collected from the patient minimizing the risk of undesirable reactions.


Stocks are a monetary investment in a corporation that gives shareholders part ownership. Their investment authorizes them to corporate earnings and assets. Corporations sell common and preferred stocks to help them increase their income for business undertakings.

Strategic Management

Businesses and organizations that practice strategic management continually plan, monitor, study and assess what is necessary for an organization to achieve its purpose and goals. This form of management helps make businesses and organizations plan for the future and become more competitive.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a tool used by many businesses and organizations to give them direction, set long-term goals that are achievable, and measurable. They influence daily decisions, assess progress, and change tactics to achieve goals and move the organization forward.


Strategy is a plan or method put into action to solve a problem or reach a goal. There is a what, who, how, and why of business strategy. The “what” is the goal or mission to be accomplished. “Whom” are those creating the value. The “how” is how resources will be used. “Why” relates to why people in the company should want to perform at the maximum level.


Stress is essential for survival. It is a natural defense against danger. It triggers the hormones of cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline, which increases the heart rate, sweating, and alertness, and help the body respond to a difficult situation. Stressors, or negative elements of the environment cause the body to produce chemicals. The more stressors, the more stress. Constant stress can  negatively effect an individual’s health, causing breakdowns, suicide, strokes, heart attacks, and violent actions.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every 40 seconds someone in the United States has a stroke. Every 4 minutes someone in the United States dies of a stroke. Strokes are the fifth cause of death and the leading cause of disability in the United States.

Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering is the branch of Civil Engineering that focuses on the analysis, design, planning and research of the structural framework and construction of building, bridges, dams and other structures. They are responsible for making sure structures are able to survive the stresses and pressures of their environments and stay safe, dependable and secure.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is the harmful or hazardous use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal and prescription drugs. In 2018, this type of abuse cost the United States more than $820 billion in costs for lost work productivity, crime and health care. Increases in the spread of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C, overdose deaths, unemployment, crime, domestic violence, divorce, and homelessness are non-monetary effects of substance abuse on society.

Supply Chain

When consumers purchase goods, they rarely consider the supply chain behind those products. Supply chains start with vendors who provide raw materials to the producers, who manufacture the products. The manufactured goods are sent to warehouses where they are stored until they are sent to distribution centers. From the distribution center the goods are sent to retailers. Without supply chains manufacturers would not be able to compete with one another or give customers what they want.


Surgery is a branch of medicine that uses manual and instrumental techniques to investigate and treat disease of injury. Traditional surgery, or open surgery, is the cutting of skin and tissue to get a full view of organs or structures. Surgeries still using the traditional method are Cardiac Catherization, Coronary Stents, Caesarians, and Mastectomies Today, surgery does not mean large incisions and long healing times. Minimal invasive surgery is a rather new method that allows the patient to recover faster and with less pain. Not all conditions are eligible for this type of surgery. Laparoscopies, endoscopies, and colonoscopies are eligible minimally evasive surgeries.


While the term “survey” essentially refers to examine or look at comprehensively, in actual practice it is used to designate multiple activities including but not limited to land surveying, health care surveying, research surveying, geological surveying, economics and cost based surveying, and retail surveying. Our expert witnesses, speakers, and consultants are professionals from various industries and backgrounds including geology, economics, statistics, health care, and sciences, among many others. They have published extensively in their areas of expertise. Our experts have successfully testified for both the plaintiff and defense in a multitude of cases.


The term “systems” has a wide range of meanings, such as sewage systems, computer systems, architectural systems, business systems, mechanical systems, engineering systems, and utility systems. Our expert witnesses, speakers, and consultants on systems are from various industries and professions including but not limited to computer science, mechanical engineering, information technology, industrial engineering, electrical engineering, and transportation. Areas of expertise are learning systems, database systems, management information systems, scalable storage systems, digital printing and imaging systems, and information systems design, among many others. Our experts are prolific authors and have successfully testified for both the plaintiff and defense in a multitude of cases.

Systems Engineering

Systems engineering is a specific field within engineering that focuses on the design and management of complex systems throughout the entirety of their life cycle. Being that the specifics vary from system to system, it is important that the systems engineering expert being retained is a good fit for the system in question.