Over the course of nearly three decades providing great expert witnesses to litigators, Round Table Group has developed a deep appreciation for well-run expert witness engagements — litigator, client and expert all working closely together and getting what they need without undue drama. But it doesn’t always go like that. Good project management and using expert witnesses really well aren’t law school priorities. And most first-time experts know almost nothing about the litigation process or what “expert witnessing” entails, let alone how to do a great job at it. Because of that, there are a lot of clumsy expert engagements and disappointed clients!
It’s our passion to make expert witness engagements go more smoothly. For the past two years we’ve been interviewing attorneys and experts on our podcasts about expert witness best practices and what each party wishes they’d known when they first got started. This blog distills the wisdom from those podcast episodes and combines it with our own experience to help expert witnesses get better at our important calling and become “experienced experts” without so much trial and error along the way.
Expert routines are as diverse as their fields. Whether conventional or completely unique, developing a routine that works for you will help prepare you for even the most demanding depositions and trials. Read more >>
Some experts enjoy travel and do not bill for it at all, preferring to fill their time with other work, sleeping, or reading. Others feel that the inconvenience should always incur some (potentially reduced) charge. Whichever travel billing strategy that you choose, make sure it works for you and is fair to the engaging party.
Read more >>Federal Rule of Evidence 706 presents a unique scenario: the court itself seeks expertise. While uncommon, court appointed experts are an important option for judges in complex litigation.
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer 1992’s legal comedy masterpiece, My Cousin Vinny is beloved not only for the laughs, but for some of the best courtroom depictions in modern cinema. While legal eagles can (and have) nitpicked, it is considered quite accurate overall, famously turning up in a Merrick Garland opinion. Leaving the lawyering to lawyers, let’s…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer This is the second blog in a series that evaluates software packages’ suitability for expert witnesses. Time-tracking software is an important piece of the expert witness toolkit. Beyond routine billing, these applications can increase productivity, help maintain organization, justify fees, and provide your clients with peace-of-mind. While there are over a dozen…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer In 1992, 79-year-old Stella Liebeck purchased a coffee from the drive-through window of a McDonald’s in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was the passenger of a 1989 Ford Probe which has no cupholders, so her grandson (the driver) parked for her to add milk and sugar. She placed the coffee between her knees…
Read more >>The paths to becoming an expert witness are as varied as the experts themselves. Read this second part to our blog series about how experts got their start.
Read more >>Utilizing visual aids to enhance your testimony and reports is an effective way to communicate complex facts and areas of expertise. Get help when needed for a professional demonstrative, and trim presentations to the necessary components.
Read more >>Virtual courtroom appearances are on the rise! Expert witnesses share their thoughts on Zoom and how to maintain professionalism.
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer Attorneys engage expert witnesses in two broad categories: testifying and consulting. Each serves an important but distinct role, and one can even become the other. Here, we take a look at some of the key differences between the types of experts. Authority In Federal jurisdictions—and in the majority of states, having adopted…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer In this series of blogs, we explore the impact of expert witnesses in landmark cases. In recent history, few celebrity breakups have garnered as much court drama and media attention as that of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. After a devastating Washington Post op-ed by Heard, Depp proceeded to sue for defamation….
Read more >>While both systems share a common ancestry, US and UK legal systems have diverged with respect to expert witnesses. As the world grows smaller and more international, these differences impact experts who have the opportunity to work across the pond. Make sure that your engaging attorney has made you fully aware of any important differences that might impact your international performance.
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer Not only does capitalizing on your expertise supplement your income, expert witness work is meaningful. Externally, experts help bridge the gap between technical and lay, and serve as a guardrail for justice. Internally, expert witness work is fulfilling and can advance your career. On our podcast, Engaging Experts, experts opine on what they…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer Guests from our Engaging Experts podcast reveal some of the most common pitfalls that hinder new expert witnesses. Avoid these common mistakes for successful engagements. Mistake 1: Conflicts of Interest Make sure you have thoroughly examined any potential engagement for conflicts, whether actual or perceived. Before accepting, insurance expert Kevin Quinley asks…
Read more >>Experts who stay in their lane can confidently and authoritatively carry out an engagement.
Read more >>Detailed expert reports, maintaining credibility throughout cross-examination, and avoiding traps resulted in one of the most effective uses of expert witnesses in modern history.
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer For newer expert witnesses, it can be tempting to accept every potential engagement, but it is crucial to carefully vet, and only take those which are a good fit. Turning down a job is always preferable to underperforming, and successful experts avoid getting wrapped up in unproductive engagements. An illustrative excerpt from…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer On our podcast expert witnesses reveal what they want from attorneys for an effective engagement. For a more complete picture, we’ve posed the same question to attorneys who have also worked as expert witnesses: Richard Leisner, Stanley Gibson, and Stephen Embry. What makes a great expert witness? Richard Leisner Corporate and Securities…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer While trials are the legal “main event”, expert witnesses will spend more time in depositions over the course of their career. These under-oath question and answer sessions can be long, grueling affairs, but with these strategies from experienced experts and attorneys, you will be well-equipped to go into depositions with confidence. Depositions…
Read more >>What are some expert witness marketing tips? Stay current, publish regularly, and seek speaking engagements. Don’t forget to sign up with Round Table Group!
Read more >>Expert witness clients often pay slowly. Does that mean I should have a retainer? If so, what should my retainer look like?
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer Expert witness reports must be informative, concise, and well-written. Seemingly minor grammar mistakes or unclear synthesis can alter the meaning of your text, which can be exploited by opposing counsel. When word processors alone won’t cut it, consider these tools for improving your expert witness reports. Please note: Some of these tools…
Read more >>The paths to becoming an expert witness are as varied as the experts themselves. Here are seven stories about others getting their start.
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer While every expert witness niche has its own eccentricities, they all have significant common ground. In some fields, the same experts find themselves facing each other (or working together) consistently, while in others, you may never see the same person twice. Connecting with other expert witnesses to discuss strategy, network for opportunities,…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer The rules governing privileged communications between expert witnesses and attorneys are in a constant state of flux. Coupled with variations across jurisdictions, expert witnesses should be aware of which communications are privileged in their current venue, and any exceptions to that privilege. These are general guidelines, subject to interpretation and change. Always…
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer I’m Noah Bolmer, host of Discussions at the Round Table. For over a year, I’ve been interviewing expert witnesses to gain a more nuanced picture of the profession. While I hold a JD, I am not a practicing attorney, nor have I ever acted as or engaged an expert witness in my…
Read more >>Being at your best means looking professional and having the endurance for a potentially long process. Read some tips from our experts on looking your best and avoiding the effects of stress.
Read more >>Even well-prepared and organized experts are occasionally confronted with the unexpected. Work-life balance is important in this line of work.
Read more >>Storytelling is an art; it enables experts to weave their considerable expertise into a compelling narrative, thereby illuminating complex concepts and forging an emotional connection with the jury, judge and attorneys.
Read more >>Ever wonder if you’re doing too much or too little to grow your business on social media and specifically, LinkedIn? We talk to social media consultant, Vicky Oyomba, about the top tricks to staying relevant.
Read more >>As expert witnesses, you are ethically bound to provide neutral, competent, and unbiased testimony. Strive to stay within your area of expertise, disclose any potential conflicts of interest, and resist the urge to advocate for a particular side.
Read more >>Understanding the legal framework which governs the admissibility of expert testimony is crucial for expert witnesses. Rule 702 is a good starting point.
Read more >>Working in new venues is a challenging, yet exciting way to expand your expert witness repertoire. With experience in different subject matter venues and jurisdictions, engaging attorneys will know that you are adaptable and prepared to learn, giving you a distinct advantage.
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer Trials do not usually unfold the way they are commonly depicted in popular media, and experts who haven’t been through the entire process may not know what to expect. While this overview will help demystify trials for expert witnesses, consider viewing recorded trials, or even attending one in person. A Glossary for…
Read more >>Gain strategic foresight with a blend of engagement types and enjoy the advantages when getting hired and performing in court.
Read more >>Billing on a matter doesn’t have to be stressful. The trick is effective communication with the attorney throughout the engagement, clear expectations, clear and timely invoicing, and clear, calm responses to questions.
Read more >>There is a fair amount of versatility allowed for expert CVs. Be truthful, be thorough and be current; everything else is flexible.
Read more >>Why use a jury consultant? They are experts in human behavior generally, but jurors specifically. Avail yourself of jury consultants’ experience when available to learn how to remain aware of your body language, use visual aids, and anchor jurors to a theme for a more impactful role at trial.
Read more >>Maintaining your expertise, particularly in dynamic fields, is an important endeavor. While staying on top of frequent changes in regulations, procedures and discoveries is time-consuming; by remaining engaged in your field and committed to learning, expert witnesses remain current, credible and persuasive.
Read more >>With experience, you will learn which attorneys’ attributes are most compatible with your expert witness style. Every engagement is different, but many experts find that certain traits consistently lead to more productive, enjoyable, and successful working relationships.
Read more >>Expert witness engagements can wrap up in many ways, from quick settlements to full judgments. Most of the time, the duration of your work with a client will not coincide with the case ending, and your focus will shift to evaluation.
Read more >>By Noah Bolmer The way in which expert witnesses present themselves in court directly impacts their perceived credibility by attorneys, juries, and judges. Take body language, appearance, and manner of speech into consideration to connect with, and impress audiences. The Psychology of Demeanor It is inherent human nature to place value in the mien…
Read more >>While attorneys maintain a duty to the clients they represent, expert witnesses must remain impartial throughout the process. Read about some of the ethical considerations experts frequently contend with, and advice on remaining candid and neutral.
Read more >>Our experts reveal their strategies for success on the stand, including preparation best practices and gambits against some of the common tactics used by attorneys to unsettle expert witnesses during cross-examinations.
Read more >>Testimony is an exciting and challenging aspect of expert witnessing. Listen carefully, answer patiently, and communicate effectively, and you will navigate questioning with equanimity.
Read more >>Expert witnessing is a dynamic endeavor, with pitfalls to avoid and opportunities to harness. Through experience, you will find a rhythm that works for you and your clients, but being prepared is always the foundation to success.
Read more >>Read our latest blog about taking the lead, thinking ahead, and employing diffusing strategies to help you maintain a relaxed, confident demeanor in court as an expert witness.
Read more >>Credibility is the convergence of several attributes. Your expert opinions should be truthful and free from influence. Credentials give your opinions weight, and a relatable, attentive demeanor enhances your credibility to jurors.
Read more >>A clear and focused expert report highlights your expert opinion without opening doors for opposing counsel. Your well-tailored report is a powerful tool for your attorney, and a successful engagement for you.
Read more >>Presentation is important. A great expert report is not only free of mistakes, but readable and well-organized. Much like your subject matter expertise, great writing is a skill that comes with research and practice. Some of our experts share their insights with us.
Read more >>Proactive, collaborative experts create better expert reports. Find out what your client needs and all of the details before you start writing your report.
Read more >>As you prepare to write your report and then defend it in deposition and court, it is important that you understand the story the attorney wants to tell about the case. You are part of a team, and each team member has a role in telling that story.
Read more >>While you can’t control the attorneys, it is important to push them to tell the whole story, see where you fit, and let them know if you think the fit changes as the story develops.
• Attorneys need experts to help them refine the story they want to tell in court
• Make sure the attorney tells you how you fit in the story
• Rules have changed making it easier for experts and attorneys to communicate
Read more >>Being an expert witness sounds like an individual calling. It isn’t, so be prepared to join the team. Read more about these following tips to help you succeed: make sure you know where everyone fits, consider creating your own team and collaboration breeds success.
Read more >>While you never know exactly what an attorney may need or want from you, sharing your ideas in a thoughtful way after reviewing the documentation is often helpful.
Read more >>Delivering bad news isn’t easy, but part of your job as an expert is to tell attorneys about issues with their theories as early as possible.
Read more >>Who knew project management would be such a big part of an expert witness engagements? Expert witness work is a start-and-stop process. The engagement could end at any time, have quick due dates, or the entire assignment could go on a multi-month or even multi-year break. With such uncertainty, organization is key.
Read more >>As an expert, you need to understand both what the attorney needs and expects of you, and also ensure the attorney has reasonable expectations of what you need and what you expect from them.
Read more >>Once you have signed the engagement letter with the attorney, it is time to set up the expert witness project. While you need the details (what you need to do when), first you need to set up lines of communication, set expectations and make sure you understand the rules, particularly the rules of privilege, that…
Read more >>It seems so simple at the start. You want to work with the client and they want to work with you! Everything will work out fine, right? Most often it does, but consider the following things in your consulting agreements, just in case.
Read more >>One of the first questions we frequently hear from new experts is “What should I charge?” Here’s what you should consider.
Read more >>As an expert, checking if you are conflicted in a matter is important. Charles Ehrlich explains, “They [attorney] start talking away about their case and I have to say, ‘Wait, stop, stop, do not say a word. Who is involved here? Who is your client? Who is your opponent?’ I might have some involvement with one of those parties.”
Read more >>Once the call starts, the attorney will have their agenda to go through, sounding out the expert on their expertise, outlining the matter and their idea of how the expert may fit with the case, etc. Experts should have an agenda, too.
Read more >>If you are so established in your field that everyone knows you, the attorneys may need less ‘face time’ to make up their mind about you, but it still behooves you to learn about the prospective client and their case. Participating in a pre-engagement interview is in your best interest.
Read more >>“We want the new case assignment, but short-fused deadlines can degrade the quality of the work product and testifying outside our sweet spot can be a career-killer. It is tempting to say yes when you ought to say no.” – Kevin Quinley, Insurance Expert
Read more >>You have many years of experience in your field and you have heard rumors about the potentially lucrative consulting opportunities in litigation. How do you become an expert witness?