This sample expert has 23 years of experience and specializes in the field of recreational impacts to wildlands, with specific knowledge of parks, protected areas, open space and land use planning. Published on such topics as parks and protected area management, urban impacts on wildlands and open space management.
Professor and founding chair of a Environmental Science and Resource Management program at a state university. Worked in the area of recreational impacts to wildlands for the last 28 years. This expert has been doing research on parks and protected areas in the U.S. and throughout Latin America since 1992. Currently teaches natural resource management principals, environmental history, the National Park, and a field studies course in Costa Rica monitoring Ramsar wetland sites in Las Baulas National Park on the Nicoya Penninsula. Led field courses in Mexico, Belize, and other parts of Latin America as well. Research interests are divided between urban wildland interface issues, minority involvement with protected areas, and coastal management problems in the U.S. and abroad.