This sample expert is a financial professional with extensive experience in business valuation, litigation consulting and litigation support, intellectual property valuation and analysis, forensic accounting and records reconstruction, fraud investigation and analysis, and management strategy and risk assessment. Founded an independent consulting firm in 1991, led analytical teams and performed in-depth analysis of complex financial problems. Experience in intellectual property and intangible asset valuation ranges from patent and trade secret valuation to franchise rights valuation to estimating the value of unresolved contingent fee cases in a law firm dissolution.
Prior to establishing independent practice, this expert witness conducted and managed litigation consulting engagements for Deloitte & Touche and Price Waterhouse. Served as information systems consulting manager for Deloitte Haskins & Sells, and has directed financial planning and analysis for a $500 million group of the Penn Central Corporation. Worked on the research and technical staff of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and assisted in the development and issuance of major components in the conceptual framework for financial accounting and reporting.