Home > Computer Networking Expert Witness #2089

New York Computer Networking Expert Witness #2089

Two Venture Capital Positions, Founder-CEO of three companies (one IPO and two sales), CEO/President for two successful technology turnarounds.
In depth technical knowledge, operational and venture capital experience in healthcare, IT, broadband, telecom, networking, semiconductors, fiber optics, process control, financial services, government, military.
High level contacts in a wide variety of companies ranging from Cisco, Comcast, EDS, GE Healthcare, Goldman Sachs, IBM, McKesson, Misys, Motorola, to Sun, Time Warner, and Verizon.
Experience in assessing technology, products, markets and management teams.
Advised and/or managed the development of technology products, ahead of schedule and under budget.
Advised and directed marketing/sales organizations, creating large sales, domestically and internationally.
Involved on both sides of successful IPO, Venture Capital and Strategic Corporate Financings.
Excellent leader, motivator, communicator, writer and public speaker. His areas of expertise are: Networking: LAN, MAN, WAN

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New York City, NY
(929) 468-2210