Home > Accident Reconstruction Expert #54984

Accident Reconstruction Expert #54984

This sample expert has over 20 years of experience and specializes in the field of accident reconstruction and animations with specific knowledge in the areas of motor vehicle crash reconstruction, forensic animations and event data recorders. Published on such topics as school bus acceleration rates. Testified 75 times on topics such as accident reconstruction, forensic animations and event recorders.

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Areas of motor vehicle crash expertise

  • Crash reconstruction and crash animations
  • High and low speed crash tests
  • Pedestrian and bicycle vs. vehicle crash tests and skids
  • Breath Alcohol Testing Operator

Employment history

Completed courses at Northwestern University as an Accident Reconstructionist II and received certification from the State of Illinois as a Reconstruction Specialist. In 1999, received national certification with The Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction. In 2003, received his Instructor Certification in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing from the State of Illinois. In 2007, received Certification in Crash Data Retrieval Technician and Data Analyst (Black Box) from The Collision Safety Institute.

Qualified as an Expert Witness in Crash Reconstruction and Crash Animations on several occasions. Participated in both high and low speed crash tests, pedestrian and bicycle vs. vehicle crash tests and skids involving heavy trucks with the Illinois Association of Technical Accident Investigators, 1996 – 1999.

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