Home > Toxicology, Risk, Statistics Expert #46856

California Toxicology, Risk, Statistics Expert #46856

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of pharmacology with specific knowledge in the areas of alcohol, drugs, traffic safety, applied statistics and motor vehicle risk analysis. I have published on such topics as alcohol and drugs as causal factors in motor vehicle crashes and other incidents, statistical modeling of risk and policy and programs to reduce impaired driving. I have testified 99 times on topics such as alcohol and drug effects, comparative risk in product liability and human behavior influenced by drugs. After hanging up a blood-stained lab coat and departing the pharmacology lab for a highway safety research institute, I have researched in depth and applied real-world data to drug-related questions in litigation. I serve both as a researcher and, should findings emerge of value to plaintiff or defendant, as an expert witness.

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Los Angeles, CA
(323) 545-0450
San Francisco, CA
(628) 239-2700