Home > Air Traffic Control, Aviation Expert #43910

Arizona Air Traffic Control, Aviation Expert #43910

I have 26 years of experience, and specialize in the field of air traffic control and aviation law with specific knowledge in the areas of air traffic control procedures, aviation law and aviation accidents. I have published on such topics as aviation law and air traffic control. I have been involved in teaching aviation law and air traffic control at major universities for over 17 years, am writing a textbook on the subject for the major collegiate academic publisher, have been a current air traffic controller working at highly complex and traffic dense facilities for 26 years, and a trial lawyer with state and federal court experince.

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Chicago, IL
(312) 620-1175
Dallas, TX
(214) 785-8955
Los Angeles, CA
(323) 545-0450
New York City, NY
(929) 468-2210
San Francisco, CA
(628) 239-2700
Washington, DC
(202) 908-4500