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Teaching Expert Witnesses

In 2018, there were approximately 3.6 million full time teachers in America’s elementary and secondary schools, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. 3.2 million of those teachers were public schools and 0.5 million in private schools. These educators are responsible for helping students gain knowledge and apply what they learned through classroom instruction. Our expert witnesses, speakers, and consultants on teaching are scholars and researchers from major universities as well as experienced educators in K-12 schools, school district administrators, and professionals from various departments of education and educational organizations. Areas of expertise span disciplines and include but are not limited to teaching methodology, innovative teaching, interactive teaching, web-based teaching, simulation-based teaching, distance teaching using video technology, innovative teaching, educational reform, developing countries, educational technology, international education, curriculum design, special education, and multiculturalism. Our experts have published extensively on a broad range of subjects within the field of education.

Here are a few of our favorite Teaching Expert Witnesses:

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of education, with specific knowledge of management, human resources, marketing and education. I have published on such topics as self-efficacy in management, training and development, and management.


I have 39 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of curriculum, administration and teaching strategies. I have published on such topics as effectiveness of teaching strategies, international teaching experience and review of published works. My wide range of professional experiences has facilitated development of a unique perspective concerning education, past and present, and how to best serve students and their teachers.


I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of educational administration with specific knowledge in the areas of organizational behavior, leadership and teaching effectiveness. I have published on such topics as supportive environments, leadership behaviors and techniques and educational politics.


I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of ethical decision-making with specific knowledge in the areas of applied ethics, feminist ethics and personal identity. I have published on such topics as ethics in higher education, character development and bioethics. The goal of all of my research, teaching and training activities is to show the practical value of philosophical ethical thinking.


I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of science education, with specific knowledge of science assessment, opportunity to learn, and science teaching and learning. I have published on such topics as science assessment, science curriculum standards and measurement models.


Your Case Deserves The Best Teaching Expert Witnesses

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The right expert witnesses and consulting experts can make your case. That’s why we have spent so many hours over the past quarter century making sure our clients have just the right expert team — whether one expert or many, early-stage advice or expert reports and testimony. Across over 50,000 expert search assignments, we have honed a unique, customized approach to identifying, analyzing and connecting with expert talent so you can focus on winning your case.

I have 30 years of experience in the field of educational leadership development, with specific knowledge of principal induction programs, mentoring and leadership development in schools. I have published on such topics as beginning and aspiring school leadership programs, professional development of school leaders, and mentoring for principals and assistant principals. I have testified on teacher evaluation practices and supervisory approaches in school districts.


I have 34 years of experience, and specialize in the field of executive coaching with specific knowledge in the areas of coaching, leadership development and management advice. I have published on such topics as feedback, decision making and dealing with adversity.


I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of biology with specific knowledge in the areas of molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics. I have published on such topics as intestinal bile acid transport, triglyceride synthesis and phosphoric remodeling.


I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geriatrics with specific knowledge in the areas of dementia, nursing home and ALF and wound care.


I have 20 years of experience in the field of organizational management, with specific knowledge in the areas of management policy and strategy, internal and external communication, and internet applications. I have published on such topics as internet applications, marketing communication, and organizational leadership. I have testified on faculty professional expectations. I have taught in the global arena including in Poland, Malaysia, and Canada.


I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mentorship in clinical practice with specific knowledge in the areas of teaching, learning and assessment. I have published on such topics as professionalism and the use of games in higher education.


I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of teaching multimedia at university with specific knowledge in the areas of photography, video and interactive technologies. I have published on such topics as documentaries, photography and interactive video corporate reports. I have been doing professional computer based multimedia non-stop since the dawn of the Internet age. I worked as professional photographer and audio visual producer for almost thirty years.


I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of education practice, union representation and special education. I have published on such topics as teacher leadership. I was awarded the 2011 teacher of the year and was one of four finalists for national teacher of the year.


Put Our Teaching Expert Network to Work for You

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Our huge network of experts – eminent university professors and practitioners who have achieved renown as thought leaders in their fields – combined with unparalleled research capabilities puts the experts you need at your disposal when and where you need them.

If you’re a litigator or general counsel, we want to put this network to work for you and your clients. Let us know how we can help by calling us at (202) 908-4500 or filling out the form on this page. We’re so confident you’ll love what we do that unless you retain an expert we present there’s no charge!


Spend your time working with your experts, not searching for them! We're here to de-stress the process of having a great expert witness team so that it’s easy to have the right experts every time. We'll conduct a quick but thorough search and deliver a roster of top candidates for you to review. There's no charge for the custom search — you pay only the hourly rate if you retain one of our experts.

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