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Religion Expert Witnesses

There are twelve major world religions in the world today. The six most well-known are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism. The Oxford Dictionary defines religion as the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Each religion contains a set of beliefs relating to the cause, nature and purpose of the Universe when considered as the creation of a superhuman deity or deities. Religions usually use rituals to honor and worship their superhuman deity or deities. Religions often include a moral system that governs how humans should conduct themselves and react towards others. Our expert witnesses, speakers, and consultants on religion have expertise in a broad spectrum of disciplines, including sociology, political and social issues, history, philosophy, anthropology, culture, and psychology. Areas of expertise include comparative religion, religious ethics, theology, world religions, and social and cultural anthropology. Our expert witnesses have published extensively on subjects such as, religious conversions, early Quakerism, alternative religions, and religious pluralism, to name a few. Our experts have successfully testified for both the plaintiff and defense on various topics like Scientology and Satanism.

Here are a few of our favorite Religion Expert Witnesses:

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Spanish linguistics with specific knowledge in the areas of Africa in America and Spanish pronunciation. I have published on such topics as Spanish pronunciation, African languages in the Americas, Latin American Spanish and Creole languages. I have testified on Spanish language.


I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of clinical psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of teaching clinical psychology, meaning-centered psychotherapies and CBT. I have published on such topics as logotherapy, CBT and religion.


I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of religion and religious studies, with specific knowledge of contemporary religion and churches. I have published on such topics as religious studies.


I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Jewish history with specific knowledge in the areas of law, ritual and rabbinic literature. I have published on such topics as the French Revolution, communal governance and adjudication of civil disputes in Jewish law.


I have 9 years of experience and specialize in the field of intellectual history, with specific knowledge of higher education, religion and social sciences. I have published on such topics as psychology, religion and higher education.


Your Case Deserves The Best Religion Expert Witnesses

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The right expert witnesses and consulting experts can make your case. That’s why we have spent so many hours over the past quarter century making sure our clients have just the right expert team — whether one expert or many, early-stage advice or expert reports and testimony. Across over 50,000 expert search assignments, we have honed a unique, customized approach to identifying, analyzing and connecting with expert talent so you can focus on winning your case.

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of Islam and the West, with specific knowledge of cultural and philosophical ecounters, and Islam in North Africa. I have published on such topics as Islam in Algeria, medieval Islamic philosophy and interfaith relations.


I have 20 years of experience in the field of philosophy, with specific knowledge in the areas of philosophy of religion, philosophy of language and logic. I have published on such topics as philosophy of religion, philosophy of language and logic.


I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of political philosophy with specific knowledge in the areas of religion and politics, ethics and public policy and personal freedom. I have published on such topics as religious liberty, personal freedom and law and ethics.


I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of philosophy and religion with specific knowledge in the areas of modern philosophy, political philosophy and sociology of religion. I have published on such topics as Christian and Islamic fundamentalism, Pentecostalism and political theory. I am regularly solicited by Oxford University Press to review books and contribute to new publications in the fields of the sociology of religion and political theory.


I have 20 years of experience in the field of Asian religions, with specific knowledge of religious freedom and religious practice. I have published on such topics as new religions, shamanism, and religious violence.


I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of religion and sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of atheism, secularism and Denmark. I have published on such topics as religion, atheism and secular culture.


I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of religion and social issues with specific knowledge in the areas of biblical studies, religion and social issues and peace studies. I have published on such topics as biblical studies, religion and social issues and religious perspectives on peace. I have additional interests in role of religion in minority issues, both in the USA, and in New Zealand and parts of Europe.


I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of government, public policy and program evaluation. I have published on such topics as welfare policy, non-profits and politics.


I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of philosophy with specific knowledge in the areas of philosophy of science, philosophy of religion and intelligent design. I have published on such topics as the demarcation between science and non-science, whether intelligent design is science and the scientific evidence for intelligent design.


I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of comparative religious ethics with specific knowledge in the areas of applied ethics, religion and politics and theories of religion. I have published on such topics as heroes and saints, altruism and the problem of evil.


I have 8 years of experience in the field of history, with specific knowledge of the United States, religion and the founding era. I have published on such topics as religion and the American Revolution, American Christians and Islam, and the Great Awakening of the 18th century.


I have 6 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology of religion with specific knowledge in the areas of new religious movements, cults and sects and conspiracy theorizing. I have published on such topics as branch Davidians, pana-wave and laboratory.


I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of relation of science and religion, with specific knowledge of human nature and evolutionary biology. I have published on such topics as neuroscience and free will, neuroscience and moral responsibility, and the relation between evolution and Christianity.


I have 5 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cultural and religious sensitivity training with specific knowledge in the areas of Middle Eastern issues, terrorism and gender. I have published on such topics as The O.J Simpson case, Arab Americans in the U.S. and crime and the media.


I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Mexican politics with specific knowledge in the areas of elites and leadership, elections and armed forces and the drug mission. I have published on such topics as all aspects of Mexican politics, Mexican armed forces and Mexican leadership. I have testified on the current political situation, military role in drug interdiction and democratic attitudes. I have authored books in English and Spanish on Mexican politics.


I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of South Asia, politics, Islam with specific knowledge in the areas of Politics, Iran, Economics, Af-Pak and religion, Islam and terrorism. I have published on such topics as South Asia, politics, Islam, Economics, Af-Pak and religion, Islam and terrorism.


I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of religion and philosophy, with specific knowledge of administration, the Christian faith and the African American community. I have published on such topics as Christian education, urban youth, and the African American community.


I have 14 years of experience in the field of theological and religious studies, with specific knowledge of public theology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology. I have published on such topics as theology and race, public theology, and faith and learning.


I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of bio-psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of neuroscience, psychology. I have published on such topics as neuro-anatomy, gene expression and scenic-faith issues.


I have 7 years of experience, and specialize in the field of religion with specific knowledge in the areas of gender studies, animals and religion and Christian theology. I have published on such topics as feminist theology and feminist theory, religion and democracy and animals and religion. I am currently an assistant professor and assistant vice president of undergraduate studies at the university level.


I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of political science with specific knowledge in the areas of church and state, religion and politics and Muslims in the West. I have published on such topics as Muslims in Europe and the United States, church and state issues in the West and the Christian Right in the United States.


I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of political science, with specific knowledge of religion and politics, Latin America and U.S. civil rights. I have published on such topics as religion and politics, U.S. civil rights and Latin America.


I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of politics, science and culture. I have published on such topics as religion, social movements and racism.


I have 6 years of experience, and specialize in the field of psychiatry with specific knowledge in the areas of mental health, religion and bioethics. I have published on such topics as end-of-life medical ethics, psychiatry and spirituality and mental incapacity. I have testified 20 times on topics such as capacity to consent for psychotropics, dangerousness and grave disability. I have spoken internationally at psychiatric, bioethical, and religious conferences (London, Madrid, Los Angeles and Philadelphia). My professional work has been featured in several newspapers and radio programs.


I have 10 years of experience in the field of theology, with specific knowledge in the areas of death, dying, hospice, bereavement and grief, and palliative care. I have published on such topics as hospice, theology, the Catholic church, death and dying, and bereavement. I have testified on child custody.


I have 15 years of experience in the field of medieval studies, with specific knowledge in the areas of religious literacy, manuscript studies, and Arthurian literature. I have published on such topics as preaching, saints’ lives, and Chaucer.


I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of political science with specific knowledge in the areas of nationalism, ethnic conflict and religion. I have published on such topics as Orangeism in Northern Ireland, political demography and ethnic nationalism.


I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of business ethics with specific knowledge in the area of moral philosophy and theology.


I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of anthropology with specific knowledge in the areas of Tourette Syndrome, Denmark and Jewish culture. I have published on such topics as institutional factors in the experience of Tourette Syndrome, management strategies of people with Tourette Syndrome and Jewish culture in Denmark. I have testified on Jewish culture and religion. I conduct ethnographic fieldwork with people in Denmark and the United States.


I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of sociology of religion with specific knowledge in the areas of Catholicism, birth control, and religion and race. I have published on such topics as Vatican II, annulments and religious demography.


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