Media Expert Witnesses

Media is defined as various means of communication. There are three main types of news media, such as broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet. Broadcast media include television and radio, published media, includes newspapers and magazines, and the Internet. The purpose of the media is to circulate information and knowledge. It is the best medium of communication for a mass audience. Media plays an important role the whole society. The press, the radio, and television play a big role in the life of the society. They inform, educate, entertain people, and influence the way the public views the world. Mass media plays a very important role in forming public opinion. Our media expert witnesses, speakers, and consultants are scholars and researchers from major universities and international industry professionals from the worlds of television, film, radio, newspapers, magazines, book publishing, and online media. Areas of expertise include media history, technology, freedom of information, media policy, media ethics, libel, defamation, advertising law, media economics, public relations, promotions, marketing, advertising, news/press conferences, litigation support, new media law, intellectual property, new media in education, interactive media, programming, license negotiation, and more. Our media experts have extensive experience providing litigation support.

Here are a few of our favorite Media Expert Witnesses:

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of communication strategy with specific knowledge in the areas of entertainment, education, media research and mediastrategy. I have published on such topics as media strategy.


I have 50 years of experience, and specialize in the field of insurance with specific knowledge in the areas of non marine, insurance and reinsurance. I have testified 26 times on topics such as fire accident, contingency and insurance.


I have 25 years of experience in the field of advertising, with specific knowledge in the areas of strategy, marketing and creative advertising effectiveness. I have published on such topics as marketing, agency performance, integrated marketing, employee recruitment, employee management and global marketing.


I have 16 years of experience and specialize in the field of marketing, with specific knowledge of e-commerce, search engines and branding. I have published on such topics as marketing.


I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of publishing with specific knowledge in the areas of magazines, books and new media publishing. I understand the business of magazine and book publishing, and how it is being affected by the Internet and related technologies.


Your Case Deserves The Best Media Expert Witnesses

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The right expert witnesses and consulting experts can make your case. That’s why we have spent so many hours over the past quarter century making sure our clients have just the right expert team — whether one expert or many, early-stage advice or expert reports and testimony. Across over 50,000 expert search assignments, we have honed a unique, customized approach to identifying, analyzing and connecting with expert talent so you can focus on winning your case.

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of political communication, with specific knowledge of media coverage of war and public diplomacy, media coverage of elections and public opinion. I have published on such topics as coverage of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, coverage of American elections and policy issues such as crime, and public opinion about war and trust in government.


I have 11 years of experience in the field of communication science, with specific knowledge of media psychology, emergency management, and crisis communication. I have published on such topics as effective crisis communication design, audience diversity, responses to emergency messages, and the effects of media violence on viewer aggression.


I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of sociology, with specific knowledge of sociology of mental illness, deviance and terrorism. I have published on such topics as terrorism, mass media and mental illness. I have testified on Israeli society.


I have 15 years of experienc and specialize in the field of sociology, with specific knowledge of race relations, popular culture and media diversity. I have published on such topics as media, race and popular culture.


I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of media and communication, with specific knowledge of Chinese education, Chinese economic development, and social and cultural changes. I have published on such topics as educational reform, international business and labor market.


I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of management with specific knowledge in the areas of knowledge management, organizational storytelling and online social media. I have published on such topics as building organizational memories, enterprise dementia and managing your organization’s knowledge for future leaders.


I have 8 years of experience, and specialize in the field of communication studies with specific knowledge in the areas of media communication, rhetorical communication and audience analysis. I have published on such topics as museum audience interpretations, black popular culture and media representations.


I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of education, and arts and equal rights, with specific knowledge of media, size acceptance, diversity in academia and performance arts. I have published on such topics as women and men of color in academia, body acceptance and self-esteem, equal rights, racism and sexism.


I have 30 years of experience in the field of communication and media with specific knowledge of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other East Asian countries. I have published on such topics as the policies and regulations of communication, the media industry, and the Internet and information technology.


I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of music with specific knowledge in the areas of composition/songwriting, technology and copyright. I have published on such topics as electronic music, technology in teaching and learning and interdisciplinary education. My interests are in a diverse range of interconnected fields. In the last few years I have given talks on topics in electronic music, popular music, technology, higher education, and physics. I have also led faculty development seminars on many topics, including audio, music notation, video editing, 2D animation, and others.


I have 5 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cultural and religious sensitivity training with specific knowledge in the areas of Middle Eastern issues, terrorism and gender. I have published on such topics as The O.J Simpson case, Arab Americans in the U.S. and crime and the media.


I have 20 years of experience in the field of media and disabilities, with specific knowledge of disabilities in media, portrayal of the disabled in media and education. I have published on such topics as disabilities in literature and general media. My multi-disciplinary fields of media, education, ADA in civic enhancements and disabilities give me a wide-ranging ability to see inter-connections in many directions. These include how the disabled are portrayed in media, city and school compliance with ADA, pan-Asian media and more.


I have 16 years of experience and specialize in the field of sociology, with specific knowledge of American celebrity culture, lesbian and gay politics, and media. I have published on such topics as celebrity culture, diversity in media and television talk shows.


I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of communication and general social science, with specific knowledge of international communication, intercultural communication and media studies. I have published on such topics as media representations of marginalized groups, Korean popular culture, and other philosophical and theoretical issues.


I have 28 years of experience and specialize in the field of international communication, Middle East-Iran and media studies, with specific knowledge of international communications, the Middle East, Iran and news media. I have published on such topics as news media and foreign policy, Iran and the Middle East.


I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of eLearning, with specific knowledge of learning and performance, interactive technologies and multimedia communications. I have published on such topics as multimedia, eLearning and rapid prototyping.


I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of Hispanic marketing and research, with specific knowledge of Hispanic consumer behavior, Hispanic culture and Hispanic marketing strategy. I have published on such topics as Hispanic marketing, multicultural marketing and cultural insights.


I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of prison research with specific knowledge in the areas of prisoner labor and correctional industries, European prisons and United States, Canadian, Indian prisons and their conditions. I have published on such topics as prison labor, media law, fear of crime, crime and punishment and euthanasia and mercy killing. I specialize in prison photography and have exhibited on a number of occasions. I speak 5 languages: German, English, French, Spanish, and conversational Italian.


I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of journalism with specific knowledge in the areas of broadcast news, online journalism, and new media such as blogs. I have published on such topics as online journalism, new media, and blogging.


I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of crisis management, with specific knowledge of crisis response, crisis preparedness and public relations. I have published on such topics as media relations during crises, internal communications and litigation-related communications.


I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of journalism with specific knowledge in the areas of crime, law, and border issues. I have published on such topics as daily court proceedings, crime stories, and issues impacting the border and Hispanics.


I have 40 years of experience in the field of marketing communication, with specific knowledge of methodology, media and sales promotion. I have published on such topics as marketing mix models, media and market research methodology. I have testified 10 times on topics such as brand confusion, advertising and promotion effectiveness and market research methodology.


I have 45 years of experience, and specialize in the field of media with specific knowledge in the areas of journalism, television, and sports. I have published on such topics as media history, First Amendment rights, and Middle Eastern media. I have testified on shield laws. I had two careers, one as a television news executive producer, reporter and executive, and one as a professor in what of the most respected schools of journalism in the U.S. I also served two assignments in the Middle East which gave me some understanding of Arab media.


I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of communications with specific knowledge in the areas of writing and editing, media consultation and issues management. I have published on such topics as musical commentary. I have built two public relations offices from the ground up and written speeches and talking points for cultural and political executives. I am an expert writer, editor and annotator and have served as consultant for several organizations.


I have 10 years of experience in the field of economics, with specific knowledge of antitrust, intellectual property and advertising. I have published on such topics as ownership concentration in newspaper markets, the effect of the Internet on daily newspapers and the effect of television advertising on the decline of local breweries. I am an applied empirical economist whose research has centered on the economics of media markets, considering such topics as the effect of new information technology on demand for traditional media and the role of ownership concentration in generating product variety. My research also documents ways that media…


I have 20 years of experience in the field of communications and public affairs, with specific knowledge in the areas of issue and crisis management, legal communications, and intellectual property.


I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology and criminology with specific knowledge in the areas of US criminal courts, homelessness and media. I have published on such topics as media, homelessness and education. I am committed to gaining and communicating a clearer understanding of complex issues while avoiding traps of simplicity and partisanship.


I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of media psychology, with specific knowledge of media influence, celebrity and Internet communication. I have published on such topics as parasocial interaction.


I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of marketing research, advertising and publishing. I have published on such topics as psychographic targeting. I have testified on proper sample selection for marketing research.


I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cable telecom, with specific knowledge in the areas of marketing, sales and programming. I have published on such topics as competitive advantage, U-Verse and FiOS.


I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of investing in and providing strategic guidance to media, communication, business services and real estate companies with specific knowledge in the areas of private equity investing, valuing companies and financial markets. I have testified on private equity compensation structures.


I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of linguistics with specific knowledge in the areas of educational testing, forensic linguistics and methods of reasoning and argumentation. I have published on such topics as sociolinguistics, fairness in testing and test development principles. I have testified on defamation and copyright infringement. I have a wide background of knowledge, including frequent international travel and competence in English, French, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.


I have 34 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer graphics and image processing with specific knowledge in the areas of media and graphics processors, specialty memories and micro displays. I have published on such topics as laser projectors, media processors and graphics processors. I have 140 issued patents and involvement in filing patents I have a very good layman’s knowledge of the patent process.


I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of respiratory therapy with specific knowledge in the areas of management, education and floor therapy.


I have 28 years of experience, and specialize in the field of training and performance improvement with specific knowledge in the areas of online learning, multimedia and user interface. I have published on such topics as training doe international trainees, collecting analysis data and designing and implementing instruction on the World Wide Web.


I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of trademark infringement, false advertising and unfair competition matters with specific knowledge in the areas of Google keyword infringement, social media and trademark enforcement. I have published on such topics as the use of trademarks as Google keywords, confusion in trademark law and descriptiveness in trademark law. I am a professor with dozens of articles published on trademark and other intellectual property issues, and I have spoken regionally and nationally to business and legal audiences on trademark issues.


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