Legal Expert Witnesses
Legal is anything relating to the law and lawyers or permitted by law. Anything allowable or enforceable by conforming with the law of the land and public policy, it is legal. Our legal expert witnesses and consultants are scholars from major universities, active attorneys, former judges and regulators and other industry professionals whose areas of expertise include Administrative Law, ADR, Antitrust, Argumentation, Business Law, Conflict of Laws, Constitutional Law, Contract Negotiation, Drafting, and Breach, Copyright, Corporate Crimes, Corporate Law, Damages, Economics and Law, Economics of Enforcement, Environmental Regulation, Expert Testimony, Fraud, Freedom of Press, Gender and Law, Governmental Crime, Health, Immigration, Insider Trading, Insurance Regulation, Intellectual Property, International Law, International Rules of State Liability, Justice System, Labor Law, Law and Politics, Legal and Trial Expenditures, Legal Ethics, Legal History, Litigation Consulting, Litigation Strategy, Mental Health Policy, Military Law, Native American Law, Patents, Pending Legislation Analysis, Philosophy of Law, Plea Bargaining, Polygraph, Predation, Pretrial Negotiation, Professional Responsibility for Lawyers in the United States, Reproductive Rights, Restorative Justice, Sexual Harassment, Shareholder Rights, Tax Policy, Trademarks, and Utility Regulation. Our legal experts are prolific authors of numerous publications, including books, articles, and journal publications.