Home > Discussions at the Round Table > Expert Witness Budgeting

Engaging Experts

Everyone involved in litigation has heard (or experienced) a story or two about an expert witness “rookie mistake” the expert or legal teams made.  On the Engaging Experts podcast, we talk to expert witnesses and litigators about what they wish they knew when they first started, and how to be better expert witnesses or users of experts.

We hope you enjoy these episodes and that hearing the stories of other experts and litigators will help you navigate your own expert engagements more smoothly!

Expert Witness Budgeting Episodes

Dr. John Stanton, Professor of Food Marketing at St. Joseph University
September 9, 2024
Dr. Jeffery Miller, Dean, College of Engineering and Computational Science, Southern Utah University
August 5, 2024
Gregory Herman-Giddens, President, Trust Counsel
June 28, 2024
Dr. Charles Parekh, Managing Director, NERA Economic Consulting
May 10, 2024
Jorge Contreras, Professor at University of Utah
April 19, 2024
James E. Lewis, M.Ed., CDS, Owner Total Transportation Training, LLC and Valley Automotive Consulting
April 10, 2024
Dean Barron, Senior Statistician and President,
January 19, 2024
Terry Stroud, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Opportunity Group
October 6, 2023
Rob Aft, President, Compliance Consulting LLC
July 7, 2023

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