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Understanding the Difference Between Attorney and Expert Responsibilities

Usually, the line between the role of the attorney and the role of the expert is obvious, but there are some points – perhaps based on type of expertise or the rules of the venue – where it can seem a little hazy. The ideal situation is one where the attorney and expert fit together perfectly. They know their roles and responsibilities, and they address those issues with conviction.

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Expert Witness Report

Earlier this year, we had a conversation on our podcast with Insurance Claims Expert, Kevin Quinley. He shared some gems about how to write a successful expert witness report. He highlights timelines, navigating your first draft, breaking it into sections, proofreading and knowing your audience ahead of time for the draft.

Telematics & The Potential for Litigation

The automobile experience is undergoing drastic changes as improved safety, performance and entertainment options explode. Remember the jealousy of seeing your friend’s minivan with the DVD player? Now, streaming Netflix and playing video games are entering the market to assuage the boredom of rear-seat passengers. As cars become “smarter” and collect more data from users, many fear our privacy will be infringed, which could lead to audits and litigation.

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